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Conferences and talks

6th February 2024: “‘What is this country doing to me?’: Immigration, Exile and Exclusion in Irène Némirovsky’s Work”, Literary Dislocation(s) Seminar Series, British Comparative Literature Association, 5:30 pm GMT time, online                                                                                                                       



8th February 2023: "Sylvia Plath's Trips to France", After Sylvia event, Lancaster University, 7.30pm - 8.30pm GMT time, online 

Reading Keats at the Keats-Shelley House, Rome

Conferences and talks

11th-12th October 2023: “The Death of Myth-Making: the literary afterlives of Arthur Rimbaud and Sylvia Plath”, British Comparative Literature Association PG and ECR Conference: Spectres, Spectrums and Spectrality, University of Warwick (UK)   


22nd May 2023: I'm discussing my research at the BCLA PG Seminar Series: Emerging Voices in Comparative Literature (online)

12th-14th April 2023: "‘I felt I’d come home’: Sylvia Plath and France”, British Association for American Studies Annual Conference 2023, Keele University (UK)


8th February 2023: "Sylvia Plath's Trips to France", After Sylvia event, Lancaster University, 7.30pm - 8.30pm GMT time, online 

22nd October 2022: “‘I let the Englishmen make tea for me!’: Sylvia Plath and the English”, New Generation Thinkers, The Sylvia Plath Literary Festival, Hebden Bridge (UK), 3pm GMT time

7-9th September 2022: "Ted Hughes's Depiction of Spain and France in Birthday Letters", 9th International Ted Hughes Society Conference, University of Huddersfield (UK)

8th June 2022: "Writing About Place in Times of Lockdown: Researching Sylvia Plath’s Displacement during the Pandemic", English Literature & Creative Writing Postgraduate Festival of Research, University of Huddersfield (UK)

31st May-3rd June 2022: “'An old-fashioned American' with a 'British tempo': Sylvia Plath, England and her Transnational Identity", AFEA conference, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne (France)​

20th May 2022: "'We're Strangers Here': Sylvia Plath and Transnationalism", Sylvia Plath and Trans-Atlanticism Symposium, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Fulbright Foundation (Greece) 

11th-12th March 2022: I co-organised the Sylvia Plath Across the Century online conference and gave the presentation: "Sylvia Plath as a Student and Reader of French Literature" on 11th March.

20th October 2021: Gave a poetry reading and discussed the Basque language and culture at the Centre for Endangered Languages, Cultures and Ecosystems, University of Leeds (UK)  

5th June 2021: Presented a paper entitled “‘In Ireland I feel I may find my soul’: Sylvia Plath and Ireland”, The American Conference for Irish Studies 2021 Virtual Conference          

24th October 2020: I discussed the tea and sherry parties Sylvia Plath attended upon her arrival in Cambridge and how they helped her getting integrated into British society for the Sylvia Plath Birthday Party organised by the Sylvia Plath Society.

6th June 2020: "'What Made you Stay?': Sylvia Plath, England and Her Transnational Identity", The Sylvia Plath Zoomposium II 


23rd October 2022: "Pop-up Pamphlets Reading with Julie Irigaray", The Sylvia Plath Literary Festival (Heptonstall, UK), 6pm GMT time 

14th October 2022: Live Canon Lunchtime Reading Series Number 37, online,1pm GMT time

13th September 2022: "Bodies and Identities in the World", hosted by Rachel Lewis and Julie Irigaray, with Wendy Allen, Helen Bowell, Annie Hayter, Julie Irigaray, Rachel Lewis, Arji Manuelpillai and Kostya Tsolakis, The Harrison Pub (London, UK), 7pm GMT time

26th April 2022: "What We Read Now: Ways of Seeing", 6:30 pm GMT time, online

15th December 2021: Voicing our Silences event with Alice Hiller, 7:30pm GMT time, online

20th October 2021: Poetry and Nature workshop for the Centre for Endangered Languages, Cultures and Ecosystems (CELCE), University of Leeds, 2pm GMT time, online​

17th October 2021: The Poets' Directory stanza event, 7pm GMT time, online

22nd September 2021: launch of The Book of Bad Betties, 7:30pm GMT time, online

11th September 2021: launch of issue 4 of The Alchemy Spoon, 7:30pm GMT time, online

31st August 2021: Dead [Women] Poets Society, 7:30pm GMT time, online

28th June 2021: Voicing Our Silences collective, 7pm GMT time, online​


30th April 2021: online launch of Whalers, Witches and Gauchos, 7pm GMT time


16-19th November 2020: Bridgewater International Poetry Festival (Virginia, USA)

30th October 2020: Neptune's Glitter House for WayWard Poets, 8 pm London time, online 

27th October 2020: Ambit Magazine's launch of issue 241, 7pm London time, online 

27th February 2020: Launch of Jenny Mitchell's Her Lost Language (open mic), 6-7pm, Barbican Library (London, UK)


26th October 2019: launch of harana poetry issue 2, 6-8pm, The Gunmakers Arms (Birmingham, UK)

17th October 2019: "Moon Poems from the Dark Side", Bloomsbury Festival, 7-9:30pm, The Harrison Pub (London, UK)

18th May 2019: Poem-A-Thon, 2:20pm, The Poetry Café  (London, UK)

27th March 2019: City Lit "Late Lines", 7-9pm, Star of Kings Pub (London, UK)

13th May 2018: launch of The Best New British and Irish Poets Anthology 2018 (Eyewear Publishing), 2-6 pm, The Windmill, Brixton (UK)


30th March 2017: launch of Banshee issue 4, 6:30pm, Books Upstairs (Dublin, Ireland) 

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